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Donation Request

We proudly support a variety of organizations, large and small, focused on cancer research, hunger relief, and education, along with other groups working hard to help our communities.

Due to the volume of donation requests we receive, we kindly ask that you submit your request via the form below. This helps us to more efficiently reply to requests.

To be considered for a donation:

  • Please submit your request at least six weeks prior to the event date/donation deadline.
  • Your organization must be recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3).

We are honored to receive your charitable requests; however, due to resources, we are not able to fulfill them all. If your donation request is approved, we will contact you within seven business days regarding next steps. If you don't hear from us within seven business days, this indicates we are unable to honor your request. Thank you for understanding.

Donation Request

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Thank you!